Exhibition "Mothers Myths & Memories" , Largo, Florida
interactive exhibition concept "Memory Wall"
This exhibition in a public space, the gallery of a library, invited visitors as viewers but also as active participants and contributors of the show "Mothers, Myths, and Memories". A wall filled with the reminiscences of invited friends of the artist who could send in their stories and a photo with this story of their own mothers, if non-english a translation was provided, filled the wall gradually over the month of the exhibition.
Contributions by visitors to the library in form of comments or stories of their own added to this space, filling the black pin-boards.
An opening reception had Susanne Nielsen speak about her own work and present the concept of adding to her own sculpture and paintings of childhood and relationships to mother, father, grandmother and aunts.
Many contributions were added to this month-long celebration of motherhood. A poetry group that meets in the building chose the theme of the exhibition and its month of May (Mothers Day month) to have its members write and then contribute poetry to the exhibition.
A closing reception offered all involved to celebrate the finished exhibition and the artist could thank them as much as they could feel their own place as vital part of the project.
It also was an impetus to created and curate more such projects in the future.
The 3-D component of this exhibition were the mixed media sculptures that show both the pregnant form of the torso, and the birth myths and different aspects of pregnancy.
Individual stories told through the embroidered words and quilted designs.
interactive exhibition concept "Memory Wall"
This exhibition in a public space, the gallery of a library, invited visitors as viewers but also as active participants and contributors of the show "Mothers, Myths, and Memories". A wall filled with the reminiscences of invited friends of the artist who could send in their stories and a photo with this story of their own mothers, if non-english a translation was provided, filled the wall gradually over the month of the exhibition.
Contributions by visitors to the library in form of comments or stories of their own added to this space, filling the black pin-boards.
An opening reception had Susanne Nielsen speak about her own work and present the concept of adding to her own sculpture and paintings of childhood and relationships to mother, father, grandmother and aunts.
Many contributions were added to this month-long celebration of motherhood. A poetry group that meets in the building chose the theme of the exhibition and its month of May (Mothers Day month) to have its members write and then contribute poetry to the exhibition.
A closing reception offered all involved to celebrate the finished exhibition and the artist could thank them as much as they could feel their own place as vital part of the project.
It also was an impetus to created and curate more such projects in the future.
The 3-D component of this exhibition were the mixed media sculptures that show both the pregnant form of the torso, and the birth myths and different aspects of pregnancy.
Individual stories told through the embroidered words and quilted designs.